

Now She Shops

“Cash and Carry”

Without Pai:

Many •ufferers relieve nacging backache ąuicłcly, once thcy disco ver that the real cause of tbeir troublc mny be tired kidncys.

The kidncys are Ńature’8 chief way of taking the cxcess ncids and wastc out of the blood. Thcy help most pcoplc pass about 3 pinta a day.

Whcn disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rhcumatic pai ni. leg palna, los* of pcp and energy, getting up ul Backacha

nights, swelling, puftincss under the eyes, head-« achcs and dizziness. Freęucnt or scanty pas-sages with smarting and buming somctimes shows there is something wrony with your kidncys or bladdcr.

Don’t wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 50 ycars. Doan’a givc happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubo flush out poisonous wastc from your blood. Got Doans Pills.


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