H 60
MH-60s are usually armed with M134 Miniguns as standard and carry a 117 galion aux-iliary fuel tank in the cabin.
Thew‘VelcroHawks"wereassignedtothe 160th Special Operations Aviation Regimentat Fort Campbell, KY and the 3rd Battalion at Savannah Army Air Field, GA until replaced by MH-60K Pace Hawks. Some fifteen aircraft were then transferred to the Oklahoma Army National Guard at Tulsa.
Fuselage Development

The UH-60A Black Hawk is a robust aircraft with plenty of power to perform its mission under most conditions. This UH-60A has the higher rotor mast, single piece pilot’s door window and revised upper fuselage contours introduced on production UH-60As. (Richard Berthold)
The UH-60A Black Hawk’s main rotor head is a one piece titanium hub with elastomeric bearings to provide for blade flap, lead and lag. This system requires no lubrication and per-formed well in the sandy conditions of Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. (Paul Pickett)
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