Rcvcrsible pat term are usually worked with the jacquard technique- -i.e., you work with two colors of yam at the s.ime timc. You can uh- a yam ltokler or (told both yams over your Ich forefinger a* explnined for jac-quurd putterm (startingon page 142).
In rcveixible partem, rherc is no yam carried on the hatk of the work within the knitted piece, sińce you allcrnately work 1 stitch in caeh color. Ifyou dont work any pattems, hut rather work 2 sklcs, cach in 1 color. the piece can he opened up it it is put anto 2 ncedlcs ($ec photos pages 22-25 for casting on in kitchener rih). If you work patterns, the stitches cross within the piece every timc the color change* (sec photo I, page 161).
At first glance, the stitches on the needle, which are verv elose to one another, secm rather confusing. But ii you think about the stitches in pairs, t hi> way of working is easier to understund- A knit stitch on tire front and the nexr ptirl stitch on the back bclong together. Bcforc the first stitch of a pair i.e., the stitch on the front—put both yams behind the work. then knit this stitch in the appropriate color. Then put both yams at the front of the work and purl the secoud stitch in the appropriate color.
In order to make the purl stitch easier ro work, hołd the yam not bcing used with your Icft thumb. Or work rhe stitch “the wrong w-.iy," pulling the yarn tluough the stitch from rop to hittom. Then the stitch in the ncxt row inust be knit twisted, sińce it is on the needle “the wrong way" (sec also page 134, bottom).
Working a pattern i- also simple if you think of the stitches as being in pairs. When you make a color change of 1 stitch, first knit the knit stitch in the second color. then purl the purl stitch in the first color. The next knit stitch is knit in the lirst color again, the next purl stitch is purled in the second color. The cxamples in the drawings show how the stitches are worked for plain knitting and revcrsible knitting.
IBefore a knit stitch, put both yams at the back of the work and knit the stitch in the appropriate color.
2Before a purl stitch, put both yams at the front of the work and purl the stitch in the second color.
Drawing 1
Drawing 3
Drawing 2
Drawing 4
stitches of the individual rows. Read the stitches—i.e., colors of the rows on the right side of the work from right to left, those on the wrong side of the work from left to right
Drawings 1
and 2 show a square and a smali diamond with the stitches for 1 side. The numbers on the right side stand for a row on the right side of the work, those on the left side stand for a row on the wrong side of the work.
Drawings 3 and 4 show the same color sequence for a reversiblu pattern. The darker vertical lines separate the poirs of stitches. The short hori^ontal lines show the purl
Ifyou dont like working with 2 colors of yam at rhe same timc, you h.ivo the option of working cach row in only I color ;it a rime—i.e.. working cach row lwice. Howevor. this is harder and takes longer.
To do this, usc a circular knitting needle so that you can push the stitches ro ihe end of the needle, where the yam in the color you need i>- locatcd.
Now work l row on rhe riglu side of rhe work, for examplc, with the bluc yam. Ifyou are not working a 2-color patiem, knit all the knit