Special Techniąues

Decreases in Shaker Knitting

Whcther they*re tor a Y-neck or rng-lan slecces, decreases in shaker knit-tmg are alwsiys worked on rhe rtghł side oł the work.

In shaker knitting, Jont work dc^ crcases right next to the selvedge stitch. sińce it will make the edge> nncven. Decreases movcd over ł or 5 stitches towarJs the insidc of the piece eonie out much morę cven.

Tlie decreases are especially ut-tracrive ir rhev are worked as double decreases. This holds tnie for both raglnn edges and V-necks.

For V-necks with a fucing knit on later. pul the knit center sntch on i stitch holder. In order for you to have a knit stitch in rhe middle. rhe numhcr oł’ stitches must lv divisible by 4 + 3 stitches + 2 sehedge stitches. You must be able to count an udd numhcr of knit 'i itches on the right sidc oł the work.

For V-necks without a facing (see ako V-necks, page 83), the numhcr of stitches must he divisih!e by 4 + 1 stitch + 2 seleedge stitches. The number of knit stitches must be an even number. Work the center purl stitch as a seheJge stitch on one side. For rhe otlier side, pick up an additumal sehedge stitch.

If yim work single decreases. you will h.ive a knit stitch ncxt to the decreased shaker knitting stitch ałter every other dccrcasc. Umil the nexł decrease, di*n’t work this stitch tn rhe shaker knitting pultem. Imtend, purl ir in rhe rowson the wrong side ot the work or slip it purlwtse in the rows i mi the riglit -tde of the work wtrh the yam ar the hack oł the work.

work 2 morę stitches in the pattern after the selvedge stitch, slip the next knit stitch knitwise together with the yarn over, then knit 2 stitches (= 3 loops) together...

...and pass lho slipped stitch ovor together with the yarn over. Then continue in the shaker knitting pattern.

Then work the last 3 stitches in the shaker knitting pattern.

For a double decrease to the right. work to within 6 stitches from the end of the row. Knit the nexl 3 stitches together. Including the yarn overs, this comes to 5 loops.



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