Dropped Stitchcs


For Double Shaker Knitting

Ifs a lit tle morę complicated to fix dropped sritches in double shaker knitting with a crochet hot * How ever, the repairing idea can bc scen with the cxatnplc ot two-color double shaker knitting:

First st te tell the piece sideways and untangle the threads as much as possiblc. Crochet with the very long pieces ot yam (the greon ones, in this instance). The threads between rhem (the whlte ones, in this instance) are the "yam ovcr$." First puli the parti* cularly loosc grecn threads up and then work as described tn rhe photos. Kcep repeuting this procce and put the last stitch hack onto the leit needle together with the kot short thread—i.e., the yam over.

Ix>r single color d» »uble shaker knii • ring, the idea is the same. Herc the long threads can onh be easily distinguished frotn the short ones il they are pulled through to the top.

Undoing Your Work

It youYe madę a really big mistake over many stitchcs. the only solution is to nndo your work. Undo the kmtied piece to the row beknę the misiake. Ió pick up the sritches, use a needle that is about I sizc smnllcr rhan rhe one you used tor knitting. This makes it casy to pick up the sritches. even ii you knit tighrh.

Belore you undo a stitch, alw.iys put the needle mto the stitch under-neath it łrom bnck to iront. Puli the yam out carciully. Continue working this way. I stirch at a tttne. Hołd rhe vam in your leń hand and kcep winding it amund your forefinger as ymi undo the stitchcs. At ihe end of each row, tum your work and continue working with the nppropriatc necdles.

In the casc ot shaker knitting, picking the sritches up is slightly morę dilficult. In order tor the

Double shaker knitting: Put the ero

chet hook through the last (green) stitch. Biing the needle under the 2 short (whitel threads above it. Catch the long Igreon) thread and puli it through the stitch on the hook under the 2 short threads. The lower one of the 2 short threads is the "yam over" of the stitch you just crocheted. Now put the crochet hook under the top one of the 2 threads and the next short thread, catch the next long thread, etc sritches not to be pulled roo righrly. it is very important to use a thin knitting needle. Put the needle tłuough tlve purl sritches and the ram over trom back to Iront. Then carciully undo the yam and catch

When undoing knittod pieces, pick up 1 stitch at a time from back to front.

In single color double shaker knitting, the long threads have to lie on top. Catch the next long thread with the crochet hook, under 2 short threads, and puli it through the stitch under the short threads.

the next knir stitch. It the knit stitch conrinucs to drop, catch the hori:ontal thread ołthe knit stitch undcmeath it. ’I"hcn undo another row. At the stitch tn que$tion. simply transfer it to the right needle.

When ut doing shaker knitting, catch thi yarn over along with the purl stitc ms, and carefully pick the knit stitcl es up onto the needle.



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