Just like decreases. increases tn shaker knitting should be workcd as double increases. Here agam. it l<x>ks niccr it they aretYt workcd right next to che selvedge stitches. For rhis slantcd edge of a >lecve. the increases are worked atter 3 stitches.
Work 3 stitches at the right edge, then puri 1 stitch twisted and knit 1 stitch twisted front the horizonta!
thrcad (the varn over of the previou$ row).
At the left cdgc. work to wichin 3 stitches front rhe cnd of the niw, then knit 1 stitch twisted and puri 1 stitch twisted front rhe horiront.il thrcad.
Atter the scam has becn sewn with invisible stitch. 2 nh> of shaker knitting will run tip the sleeve next to one anoihet
In order for rhe partem aftcr the
ribbing n<u to look ntisniatched, you should always work double increases here as wcil.
Atter a knit stitch. inerense a puri stitch twisted. knit the nexr stitch, which was previously a puri stitch, then incrcasc another puri stitch twisted front the ncxt horizontal thrcad. This alktws the nbs to continue in the same paltem.
I don't recommend working an cn-tire sweatcr tn shaker knitting in rhe round, it only bccause it will get too iargc and heavy. But ii you wanr to knit a really luxurious tur-tlcncck and don’t want to have a seant, single shaker ribbing t- i good solution.
You should work the tirst V to I i" in simple ribbing (alternating knit 1. puri I) ro keep the neckline from getting too wide.
If you want to wear the single shaker knitting partem wirh the smooth side on the outsiJc, tum the work— that is, work in rounds on the wrong side v>f the work—as follows:
Round 1: Slip the k st with vo, p the
Round 2: k the si tog with the yo, p the p st. Repeat Rounds I and 2.
If you don’t tum the work, rhe rough side will K* on the outsiJe once the turtleneck collar has been turneJ ovcr.
You can also work double shaker knitting in rounds. To do rh.it, cvcry other round. slip the puri stitches with a yarn ovcr and knit the knit
sritche.s togerher with the yarn over. In the othci rounds, slip the knit stitches with a yam ovcr and puri the puri stitches together with the yam ovet