Duvet covers These are like large sacks madę of cocion or a blended fabric. They should be of a comfortable size for the duvets to fit in. They are often patterned. ;Duvets are quilts filled with down feathers or synthetic fibres. Many Hotels use duvets with a decoratn e duvet cover instead of both blankets and bedspreads. They are sometimes referred to as comfortcrs.)
Mattress protectors These are also called mattress pads or maltress covers. They may be in the fonii of quilted. felt. vinyl, or rubber pads. They have a two-fold funclion— they protect the mattress from stains and spills and provide a padded layer between the guest and the mattress for greałer comfort.
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Bedspreads The Ihere are Iwo ma Fitted spreads fit aiiowed to drape i spreads can be he
of the bed to be lucked. However, many properties now place decorative pillows over the bedspread rather than beneath. Bedspreads should bc of a width lojust touch the floor. If they are used with dusi ruffles, they may be coveriets instead. just the size of the mattress.
Dust ruffles A dust ruffle is a pleated or gathered decorative fabric skirting that extends around the sides and foot of a bed, covering the mattress and the frame of the bed. They are often madę of sadn or an attractivelv patterned materiał with a good drape. The ruffles, pleats or gathers of this materiał may be sewn onto a muślin sheet placed between the mattress and the box springs. thus holding the dust ruffle securely in place.
Bath Linen
I his categorv includes all kinds of towels found in a guest bathroom. wash r locha, and bath mat*. The preferred colour at most properties is white. though they are available m many other hues, both paUel and dark. Towefa are ąlmost always madę of cotton lerry clolh or Turkish toweUing with uncut pile for high absorbency.
Bath sheets These are extra large bath towels provided in VIP rooms in luxury hotel* provtding woridcla** service.
Bath towels There o a lot of vanaiion in balh-towei sires. White ooes are preferred sińce dyed ones may fade in tamę or the dye may run in case of dark colour* face towels These were eariier madę of Irnen woven m a lancy huckaback weave. bul now they are almost exdus»vely madę of terry cloth or Turkish toweUmg.
Hand towels These. like face towels, are now madę of Turkish lowrllmg rather than the <>lder huckaback and waffle wcaves. They are smaller than face towels and are jm>\ ided both in guest bathroom* and cloakrooms.
Wash cloths These are madę of soft terry cloth and used by guests for scrubbing their face and body dean while taking a bath.