These patterns require only beginning tatting skills. They should be easy enough for anyone just leaming to łat.
Hiis is thc casiest Celtic Edging evcr!
NO JOINS in thc tatting. Just tat thc rings and chains and then ovcrlap thc rings one on top of thc other, and weavc thc ribbon through using a yam nccdlc.
Ring( 15 — 15 ) tum Chain (2 — 2 ) tum Rcpcat. wcavc ribbon through, ovcr - under - ovcr - under as shown herc.
Variation: String 3 beads on the bali thread for each chain section to the iength desired.
Ring (15 -15 ) tum
Chain (4 B B B4 )
Ring (15 -15 ) turn
Repcat to desired Iength