Bath mats These are also madę of Turkish toweliing but the materia! tends to be much heasier. They are highly absorbcnl and are kept in gucst bathruoras for guests to dry their feet after coming out of a bath and to catch dnps or splashes so that chanie* of shpping on bathroom floor ule* are reduced tarbei. tub mats wuh rither nibber or cork backing were used instead, but they could not be laundered frequendy and thus were unhygienic They have therefoie been completely replaced by Turkish toweliing bath mats, which can be laundered frequently
F&B Linen
These are linen used in restaurants and banquet hal U F&B linen are table cloths. napkim. slip cloths. underlays (all constituting table linen . fnUs, ninners. tray mats. and wailers' cloths.
Table linen lanen used on the table are referred to as table linen or napery Table linen includes table cloths, napluns, slip cloths, and underlays TabU clotJu and napkim Good-quabty table cloths and napkins are madę exclusiveły of damask. Damask is a self pattemed twiU weas e fabnc of linen. cotton. or a cotioo
l(v madęitY'rdln* to
pohrae, blend Tak 2* cloths are mad,- for recumguUr ubles
the reattng capacds of the . bastcalh stjuare m shape
The usual sizes for table cloths P , 4 ,
ZtoTu W mer the table cloth. rnually dugonally. to protec. .. from sp.Us and lt also renden an attractivr formal appearance. often contrasting in colour »«b the table cloth. The standard nze u 40 x 40 inches.
Balu dołki These are also called ‘underlays*. or ‘silence cloth*. It is usually madę of felL Baize cloth u bud under the table cloth to render it non-slip and cover the sharp edges of the table. It also absorbs the sound of cutlery.
wa. Th^ ^ ^caUH-aim’. These are madę of saun and enhance da l Ubl" lnd -*• Th') may be pleated or unplealed