The arajit has to be madę to csallate for it to werk, and then the 09dllaticns have to be rectified, so tiiat DC pulses can be dianneled thrcugh the transfcrmersin the big cans and oonverted tohigji-current DC output
The rectifying-diode, together with the ooils L' and L:, and the capadtcrs C and VC are one cf many oorrfiguraticns that will a-eate the oscillations and rectify them The rectifier must have a heatedfilament to prcvide cathcdicelectrcns, and its effidency is greatly improved by being inside a vacuum endcsure.
A reed switdi istriggered by magnets in the di9c hm to prcvide atiming pulse to indicate the disćs rpm.
What makesthis machinę 'over unity’ is its ability tomografy its basie input -and this it dces by creating and utilizing an electrcn Cascade effect, whidi icnizes and pdarizesthe air in the environrrent surroundingthe two horseshoe-magpet ccnfiguradons(baacally by osdllatingthe dielectric blockswith high frequency high voltage pulses), the air moleaules are accelerated towar d the blocks at high speed to cause them to cdii de with odia- air molecules to dislodgefree-electrcns, whidi are alsoaccelerated to free up morę electrcns by further cdlisions, and so on and 90 foith The resulting a^alandie pa-meatesthe surroundingenvironrrent.
In each Big Can isa step-dewn transformer cf pancake cdi windings espedally ccupled to a terdd-magnet ccre soas to intensify the field and produce
divided vdtage cutputs whidi charge up separate 'ccndenser-grilles', Hp whidi build up the diarge fc<- cutput Electrcstatic shielding Choke
in the big cans is prcvided by die cuter peifc<-ated UFft1
al uminium cyl i nder and magnetic shi eld ing S^kch
i s p rovi ded by a sd i d copper cy li nder. _ Anip t
Platę (an ede) Rectifier- Diodę
Coil (grid)
Filanient (cathode)
Electron (ECO) •Gen era
Cascade Generator
PidgeMeth.-full drcuitrdr
Hidden Wir es in the Wooden Base (& possibly Lecher-wired
Eleco-on (ECG:)
Cascade Generator^^ for high-frequency resonance)
© Paul E Potter 20CO