37314 oak sih2

37314 oak sih2


over thc thighs with breeches ending just above the knee. These breeches werc madę of quilt-ing-canvas, cotton-waste stuffing, and a smart outer cover of generally brighdy coloured cloth. Sometimes metal splints were incorporated in the quilting. "Gamboised Cuishes," they called them in English. The shins and calves were protected with greaves of Steel, sometimes covering only the shin, but often madę in two hinged parts so that the whole of the lower leg was enclosed. To the top of the greaves, were attached "poleyns," madę either of metal or hardened leather. The feet were covered, probably over leather shoes, either with mail or with a lobster-like "Sabaton" of piąte.

Figurę 106. Diagram ofTypes XVI, XVII and XVIII. (illustration by the author)


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