oak sih2
Figurę 53. From rhe West Front of the Cathedral at Rheims, c. 1250, Archbishop Turpin gave communion to Count Roland before battle. Behind, glowering in the shadow, is the evil Marsilie, leader of the Saracen host. The armor worn by Marsilie here is definitely 13th century Byzantine armour, a matter of great interest to be taken up later. (Authors Photo)
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oak sih2 34 Figurę 34. INGELRII sword, c. 950. Formerly in mv own collectioii. This J &oak sih2 114 Figurę 96. Types XIV, XV, and XVAoak sih9 121 Figuro 102. From thc tomb-effigy of Count Robert d Artois, in thc Abbey of St. Deoak sih9 121 Figuro 102. From thc tomb-effigy of Count Robert d Artois, in thc Abbey of St. Deoak sih9 121 Figuro 102. From thc tomb-effigy of Count Robert d Artois, in thc Abbey of St. De63901 oak sih2 24 24 Figurę 20. Two distinct types oflong sword from the Kragehul bog in Dcnmark,&noak sih 2 94 94 Figurę 81. Hilt of the sword from the cofFin of a Prince of Castile, Fernando de laoak sih0 12 Figurę 6. Iron sword and bronze scabbard, circa 300 B.C., from a bog at Lindholmgard, Doak sih8 20 Figurę 16. A pattern-welded blade, c.650-700, from a Viking grave in South Finland. (Heoak sih2 Figurę 43. A sword of Type XA, one of the most finely proportioned medieval swords in oak sih2 74 74 In the Middle Ages, knights and men-at-arms often used very big swords; a few survivoak sih2 134Conclusion From the end of thc 14th century to the last quarter of the 15rh, the form owięcej podobnych podstron