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Figurę 96. Types XIV, XV, and XVA
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oak sih5 117 I have drawn a diagram of the types I will describe, in Fig. 96. These are XIV, XV, an
oak sih2 34 Figurę 34. INGELRII sword, c. 950. Formerly in mv own collectioii. This J &
oak sih2 54 Figurę 53. From rhe West Front of the Cathedral at Rheims, c. 1250, Archbishop Turpin g
oak sih2 144 pic morę years of cogitation and discussion that I arrived at a reasonable, and I thin
oak sih4 16 Figurę 10. An exccptionally fine and well-preserved knighdy sword of die 13di century.
63901 oak sih2 24 24 Figurę 20. Two distinct types oflong sword from the Kragehul bog in Dcnmark,&n
oak sih2 Figurę 43. A sword of Type XA, one of the most finely proportioned medieval swords in
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