Shaker Knitting

Single Shaker Knitting Worked Twisted

Shaker knitting stitches worked twisted have a conipletely di Ile rem look. To work this, yon need an evcn numl-er i-i stitches.

Row I (WS): sclv si. ~ slip I purlwise with yo, kl ", solv sL Row 2 (RS): selv sr. * pl, k ne\t st tog with yo twisted (insert needlc intn the hack pan ot rhe stitch and the buck loop oflhc yarn over, and k), pl k next st tog with yo twisted, sclv st.

Repeat Rows I and 2

Double-ribbed Shaker Knitting

11ns patiem, in which the yarn over i< alw.ns knit together with .! stitches, is also very strildng. The drawing helów shows how rhe yam over> and stitche.s are worked.

The number ot sritches must he dn isible by -I -i 2 + 2 selvedge sritches.

Row I (WS): selv st. * k2. slip 2 purlwise wirh yo *, k2, sclv st.

Row 2 (RS): selv st. * slip 2 purlwise with yo. k next st tog with the yo. Ieaeing the yo on the left needlc and putting only the st on the right nee-ille, then k the second st tog with the yo *. slip 2 purlwise with yo, sclv st. Row 3: selv st. k the lirst st tog with the yo, leaving the yo on the left needlc and putting only the st on the right needle, then k the second st tog with rhe yo, slip 2 purlwise wirh yo l>, k next 'l tog with the yo, leaving the yo on the left needle and putting only the st on the right needle. then k the second st tog with the yo, sclv st.

Repeat Rows 2 and 1.

Sluikcr Jo lit to ig siilchcs icorfceti (tmted Ittnk annfrfćtćly diffemt.

In douNc-nhbcd ilidker knitting, the ymi men ure u'oriud m er stitches.

Double-ribbed shaker knitting: In over, then knit 2 stitches, each double-ribbed shaker knitting, slip individuolly, togethor with the yarn 2 stitches purlwise with a yarn    over of the previous row.



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