Brioche Stitch
Brioche stitch i> worked ul moi cntircly with knit scitches. The patiem i> shifted ovcr e\cry i rows, so you ałwnys repc.it 4 rows. The y.im overs are worked in the rows on tJie wrong .'ido of the wnrk, ;ind knit together with the corresponding stitch m the next row on rhe wrung skle of the Work.
This pnttem i> worked with an even number ot stitches.
Row I (WS): selv st. “slip I purlwise with yo, kl*. sclv st.
Row 2 (RS): seh >r. °k2. slip the yo of the piewons row purlwi.se*. selv >t. Row i: selv >i. * kl tog with the yo. slip the next st pnrlwisc with the yo •, selv st.
Row 4: *elv st. * kl. slip the yo ot the prevk>us row purlwi.se. kl ", selv
Row 5: selv >t, ; slip 1 purlwise with yo. k next st tog with yo *, se!v st. Repe.it Rows 2 to 5.
Two-color brioche stitch is worked the same way as single *color brioche stitch, hut nlways altemately knit 2 rows m the same color. Start the ncw color in .i row on the wrong side ol the work.
...or 2 colon.

Brioche stitch is Iktrricularły attractHv for Lirgc sueuters a;ui cardigam eiihcr m I color...
not try 3 or morę coltirs!
Brioche stitch: In the first row on the wrong side of the work. slip every second stitch with a yarn ovor, purlwise. In the rows on the right side of the work, you knit the stitch that is sort of hiding under the yarn over, and slip the yarn over purlwise. Then knit the next stitch.
In all the following rows on the wrong side of the work, you knit the stitch together with the yarn over, and slip the stitches in be-tween with a yarn over, purlwise.
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