On the wrong side of the work, knit all the knit stitches normally and purl all the purl stitches twisted.
Pattems with twisted stitches have a lot of texture. In ribbed pattems, the knit ribs are even morę prominent. The stitch in the preeious row is always the one that is twisted.
For ribbing, knit all the knit stitches twisted on the right side of the work and purl all tho purl stitches normally.
For a twisted knit stitch, insert the needle into the back of the stitch on the left needle, from right to left. and knit it.
For a twisted purl stitch. insert the needle into the back of the stitch on the left needle from behind the work, from left to right. and purl it.
Ribbing with twisted stitches alstJ looks very nice. Onty work every other stitch twisted, namely the stitch that ap-pears as a knit stitch on the front of’ the work. The stitch in bctwcen is purlcd nomutlly in the rows on the right stde of the work and knit norni-alły in the rows on the wrong side of the work. Knitting K>th stitches twisted is not j*ixxl lor ribbing; the ribhing ktses its clasticity.
Check pattems, ribhing cables, and slipped stitches have even morę tex-turę when rhey are workeJ with twisted stitches. Some cwimplcs are shown on page 1
To knit 2 stitches together twisted,
insert the noodle into the back of the next 2 stitches at the same timo, from right to left, and knit them together.
To pud 2 stitches together twisted
insert the needle into the back of the next 2 stitches at the same time, from behind the work. from left to right. and purl them together.