Kiiit-in Facings

puricd in thc rows on the wrong *idc ot rhe work. or it is knit in tłu- rows on the right sidc of tlić work and slipped as if ro purl in tłu.- row* on thc wrong skłe of the work (carry tlić yarn along at thc front of the work).

W'hen you sew thc facing down on thc wrong s»de, sew rhe ourer part of the stitch you workcd as reversc stockincttc, which appears as a knit stitch. togethcr with the Ich half of thc tirsi stitch ncxt to thc sehedgc stitch. Sew from sidc to sidc. altcrnatcly from Ich to right and Irom right to lefr. Work rhe sewing stitches in evcrv row and don’t puli rhe yarn ton tight so thar thc knirted piece is sttll stretchable and the indmdual stitches are not pulled togethcr. On thc wrong sidc. thc seam is almost invisible. On rhe right sidc, tt cant be scen at all.

Double Facing in Reverse Stockinette Stitch

For u double facing in rcver.se srock-inecte stitch. you work thc same number of stitches in reverse stockinette stitch to the right and thc Ich of the tuming edge. Here. you work I stitch in stockincttc stitch as thc tuming edge. The seam edge—in other word', thc sehedgc stitch workcd in everv row—is important herc for sewing the facing down l.ttcr. It i« puricd in thc rows on rhe nghr sidc of thc work, knit in thc rows on thc wrong sidc of rhe work, and pulled tight.

When you sew the facing down, sew from siJe to sidc, as for a double facing in stockinette stitch. But now, on the wrong sidc, sew rhe left part ot the tirst facing stitch togethcr with thc oursidc part of thc schcdgc stitch. Thls creates a new "knit" stitch on the iraidc, while rhe seam cannot bc scen on thc right side.



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