8 The noxt stitch is a knit stitch of tho stitch, from right to left. and and is twisted on the needle. knit this stitch twisted.

Insert the needle into the back part

Casting On in Kitchcncr Rib

Oncc you havc cast on the rcguired number of stitches m steps 1-7. nim your work. From thcn on, you musi keep repcating steps H and 9; this means that you ntust knit the knit sritches twisted, smee they are on the needle the "wrong" way, slip the purl stitches purlwise, and carry the yarn along at the front of your work

In the next I rows, kecp on knit' ttnw the knit stitches and slipping the purl stitches purlwise using the smnllcr-size needles.

After the>e •( rows, continuc work* ing in the ribbing partem, using needles that are one si:c larger—;i> de-scribed lor casting on with yam of a different color.

The fmishćJ rihbing looks rhe same from bo tli sides. After they are no longer on the needle. the loops formed by the yarn on your thumb (which are yellow in the drawings) torm the knit sritches on one sidc, while the loops formed by the ram on your forefinger (which are orange in the drawings) form rhe knit stitches on the other sidc.

9 Place the yarn in the front of your work and slip the next stitch purlwise.

To make the individual steps easier to understand. the yarn on your thumb and forefinger is shown in different colors in the drawings and in the knit example.



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