Tunisian (Afghan) Crochet

Tunisian Simple Stitch

f Insert hook from right to left behind single vertical thread, yo. draw loop through and leave on hook.

Tunisian crochet requires special hooks — longer than usual and with a knob, or some-times a second hook, at the end. These are madę in the same sizes (thicknesses) as for conventional crochet. Although only one implement is used. the technique has sorne-thing in common with knitting.

Tunisian crochet usually starts with a base Chain with the same number of chains as there are stitches required in the first row. Odd numbered (forward) rows involve work-ing from right to left and casting stitches onto the hook; on even numbered (reverse) rows these are bound off again as the hook travels back from left to right.

When a single ended hook is used, the work is not turned and the facing side of the fabric is regarded as the ‘right side’. When there is a hook at both ends, however, the even numbered (reverse) rows may be ‘bound off from either end. if necessary, by turning the fabric and joining in another strand of yarn. Although there are exceptions most Tums-ian stitch patterns begin with the same ini-tial forward and reverse base rows. which we cali ‘Standard Tunisian Base Rows’, worked as follows:

Make a length of base Chain with the same number of chains as stitches required.

1st row (forward): a Insert hook into 2nd ch from hook. yo. draw loop through and leave on hook. b 'insert hook into next ch. yo. draw loop through and leave on hook; rep from * to end. Do not turn.


2nd row (reverse): c Yo, draw though 1 loop; d *yo, draw through 2 loops; e rep from * until only 1 loop remains on hook. Do not turn.



There are many ways of making different stitches in Tunisian crochet. Here are three basie ones.


Tunisian Knit Stitch

g Insert hook from front to back through fabric and below chains formed by previous reverse row. to right of front vertical thread, but to left of corresponding back thread. yo. draw loop through and leave on hook.


Tunisian Purl Stitch

h Bring yarn to front, insert hook from right to left behind single vertical thread as for Tunisian Simple Stitch, yo. draw loop through and leave on hook.

Generally the single loop on the hook ar tm end of each reverse row counts as the Ira stitch in the next forward row and so the stitch is missed.

Whenever you change color, remembe-is make the change at the last step of the rtef before the new color is required.

Tunisian Simple Stitch I

Any number of sts.

(Same for base cham)

1st and 2nd rows: Standard Tunisian 5-wŚ Rows.

3rd row (forward): Skip first st. Tunisian 5m ple st into next and each st to end ind . edge st. Do not turn.

4th row (rever$e): As Standard Tunts^nSM Base Row.

Rep 3rd and 4th rows.

Tunisian Simple Stitch II

Multiple of 8 sts.

(Same for base Chain)

Worked as for Tunisian Simple StdcJl except using 2 colors, A and B. as *: krnm 1st and 2nd rows: Col A.

3rd and 4th rows: Col B

5th row: *4 sts in Col B. 4 sts in Ca A fm

from * to end.

6th row: *4 sts in Col A, 4 sts in Cci 3t from * to end.

Rep 5th and 6th rows 5 times.

17th and 18th rows: Col A.

19th and 2Qth rows: Col B 21strow: *4 sts in Col A, 4 sts in C:> = *0 from * to end.



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