



(abbreuiated BPsc)

Insert hook from back to front around post of dc indicated (Fig. 2. page 2). YO and puli up a loop. YO and draw through both loops on hook.


(abbreuiated Split tr)

First Leg: YO twice, insert hook in sp indicated, YO and puli up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice (2 loops remaining on hook).

Second Leg: YO twice, insert hook in sp indicated. YO and puli up a loop. (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice. YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook.


Ch 3. dc in third ch from hook, slide 3 beads up. ch 4, dc in third ch from hook.


Bedspread Weight Cotton Thrcad: 28 yards 4 mm Beads: 120

String all beads onto thread.

With slip knot on hook. slide 12 beads up and ch 1 tightly to form a ring.

Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 1. sc in same sp, * ch 2. skip next bead. sc in sp before next bead; repeat from ★ around. ch 1. skip last bead. sc in first sc to form last ch-2 sp: 12 ch-2 sps.

Rnd 2: Ch 1. sc in last ch-2 sp madę, ch 3, (sc in next ch-2 sp. ch 3) around; join with slip st to first sc.

Rnd 3: Slip st in first ch-3 sp. ch 1. (sc. ch 1. slide 3 beads up, ch 2. sc) in same sp and in each ch-3 sp around; join with slip st to first sc.

Rnd 4: Ch 1. ★ insert hook from back to front around ch at base of 3-bead group, YO and puli up a loop, YO and draw through both loops on hook, ch 7; repeat from ★ around: join with slip st to first st: 12 ch-7 sps.

Rnd 5: Slip st in first ch-7 sp. ch 1, 7 sc in same sp and in each ch-7 sp around; join with slip st to first sc: 84 sc.

Rnd 6: Ch 1. sc in same st, ch 2, skip next sc, sc in next sc, working in back ridge of ch around first 3 beads on Rnd 4 (Fig. 1, page 2). skip first

2    beads. work First Leg of Split tr in sp before last bead. * working in back ridge of ch around next

3    beads. skip first bead. work Second Leg of Split tr in sp before next bead, skip next sc on Rnd 5 from last sc madę, sc in next sc. ch 2. skip next sc. sc in next 2 sc, ch 2. skip next sc. sc in next sc, working in back ridge of same ch as Second Leg of last Split tr madę. skip next bead, work First Leg of Split tr in sp before next bead; repeat from

★ around to last 4 sc, working in back ridge of same ch as First Leg of first Split tr madę, skip first bead, work Second Leg of Split tr in sp before next bead, skip next sc on Rnd 4 from last sc madę. sc in next sc. ch 2. skip next sc, sc in last sc: join with slip st to first sc: 60 sts and 24 ch-2 sps.

Rnd 7: (Slip st. ch 1. sc) in first ch-2 sp, ch 2. skip next sc, sc in next Split tr. ch 2. ★ (sc in next ch-2 sp. ch 2) twice. skip next sc. sc in next Split tr, ch 2; repeat from ★ arouiid to last ch-2 sp, sc in last ch-2 sp, ch 1. sc in first sc to form last ch-2 sp:

36 ch-2 sps.

Rnd 8: Ch 1. sc in last ch-2 sp madę, dc in next ch-2 sp. (ch 1. dc in same sp) twice, * sc in next ch-2 sp. dc in next ch-2 sp, (ch 1, dc in same sp) twice; repeat from ★ around: join with slip st to first sc: 72 sts and 36 ch-1 sps.

Rnd 9: Ch 1. work BPsc around next dc. ch 1. work (BPsc, slide bead up. ch 1, BPsc) around next dc. ch 1. work BPsc around next dc. skip next sc; repeat from ★ around; join with slip st to first BPsc.

Rnd 10: Ch 1. sc in same st, work Scallop. skip next bead and next ch-1 sp, sc in next 2 BPsc. work Scallop; repeat from ★ around to last bead, skip last bead and next ch-1 sp, sc in last BPsc; join with slip st to first sc. finish off.



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