Wrong Sidc Of Design
Wrong Side -Of Facing .
Angel StockingjSfou will need a 15" x 10" piece of 14 count Aida. The finished sizetff the stocking is 16” long. Scc the Stocking Finishing section fochom piele instruclions.
Angel Wreaih: You will need an 8’ x 8' piece of 14 count Aida. The desiafl was mounted on a cardhoard heart and trimmed with cording and golfl star studs. The heari outline is included below for tracing. The fan was glued lo a 7" grapcvine wreath.
ingel Tote: You will need a smali 14 counl Aida lole or a 15" x 10" piece of 14 count Aida. The finished sizc of the tote is 5" x 5" x 2". The tote was trimmed with cording.
Santa Stocking: You will need a 15" x 10" piece of 14 counl Aida. The finished size of the stocking is 16" long. Scc the Stocking Finishing section forcompleie instruclions.
Santa Tote: You will need a 6" x 9" piece of 14 count Aida and a smali tote (the tote on the cover is 8" x 5" x 2”). The design was mounted on the tote and trimmed with cording and gold star charms.
Santa Pillow: You will need a 16" x 16” piece of 14 count Aida. The finished size of the pillow is 10" x 9". The pillow was trimmed with a 2 1/2” wide ruffle. You will need 3/4 yard of fabric for the pillow back id ruffle.
Santa Banner: You will need a 9" x 16" piece of 14 count Aida. The finished size of the banner is 12" x 5 1/2". The banner was trimmed with cording and gold star charms and hung from a 6" twig.
NOTĘ: Ali seam allowanccs are 1/2”. You will need 3/8 yard of fabric for the euff facing, 1/2 yard of fabric for the stocking, and 6" of cording for the hanger.
the cxcess Aida so there are 2 1/4" of blank fabric above the top row 6f stitches and 3/4" below the bottom row of stitches. Do not trim the sidesedges. Cut the facing fabric to the same size.
With the riWit sides togelher and cut edges cven. sew thesfacing and design fabric together at the hot tom edge. Fold the facing down. Pres^the seam allowanccs toward the facing.
With the right sides K^ether, stitch the side edge of the euff togethe\Prcss the seam allowanccs opon.
Tum the facing to the wrong 5v|e of the design so the cut edges align. Press.
Tracę the stocking outline on this DageoTltw»aJarge sheet of tissue paper. Extend the side lines 7". The top edge should measurc 7" across. Add 1/2" seam allowances around ALL edges.
Usc the pattem to cut out two stocking picces finom the stocking fabric. With the right sides facing, sew the stocking front and back together along the sides and bottom. DO NOT tum the stocking right side out.
Tum the euff inside out so the right side
of the facing is on the outsidc. Slip the RighI
euff around the top of the stocking. sidc of
Align the cut edges. The vertical euff II II Fac,n*
seam should be at the center back of the stocking. Sew the euff to the stocking around the top edge.
Puli the euff up. then tum the stocking right side out. Press the seam allowances toward the euff. Fold the euff down over the stocking. About 1 1/4" of Aida should remain on the inside of the stocking.
Fold the piece of cording in half to make the hanger. Hand stitch the hanger to the inside of the stocking in the upper right comer.