Multiple of 6 sts + 1.
(add 4 for base Chain)
1st row (wrong side): Skip 4ch (count as 1 tr and 1ch), 1dc into next ch, 1ch, skip 2ch, 1 sc into next ch, * 1 ch, skip 2ch, work 11 dc, 1ch, 1 tr, 1ch, 1 dc] into next ch, 1ch, skip 2ch, 1 sc into next ch; rep from * to last 3ch, 1ch, skip 2ch, [ 1 dc, 1ch, 1 tr] into last ch, turn.
2nd row: 1 ch, 1 sc into first st, * 1 ch, skip 2 sps, 1 tr into next sc, 1ch, 1dc into base of tr just madę, 1ch, skip 2 sps, 1sc into next tr; rep from * ending last rep in tch, turn. 3rd row: 1 ch, 1 sc into first st, * 1 ch, skip sp, work 11 dc, 1ch, 1 tr. 1ch, 1 dc] into next sp. 1ch, skip sp, 1sc into next sc; rep from * to end, turn.
4th row: 4ch (count as 1 tr), 1dc into 4th ch from hook, *1ch, skip 2 sps, 1sc into next tr, 1ch, 1 tr into next sc' *, 1ch. 1 dc into base of tr just madę; rep from * ending last rep at **. 1dc into base of tr just madę, turn. 5th row: 5ch (count as 1 tr and 1ch), 1dc into first st, 1ch, skip sp, 1sc into next sc, * 1 ch, skip sp. work (1 dc, 1 ch, 1 tr. 1 ch, 1 dej into next sp, 1ch, skip sp, 1sc into next sc; rep from * ending 1ch, skip sp, 11 dc, 1ch. 1 tr] into top of tch, turn.
Rep 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th rows.
Multiple of 10 sts + 6.
(add 1 for base Chain)
1st row (right side): 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, *1ch, skip 4ch, into next ch work a Fan of 1 tr, I2ch, 1 tr] 4 times. then 1cn, skip 4ch, 1 sc into next ch; rep from * to last 5ch, 1ch, skip 4ch, into last ch work (1 tr. 2chj twice and 1 tr. turn.
2nd row: 1ch, 1sc into first st. *3ch, skip next 2ch sp, 1dc into next sp* \ 2ch, skip next tr, sc and tr and work 1 dc into first 2ch sp of next Fan. 3ch, work 1sc into center tr of Fan; rep from * ending last rep at * *. 1 ch, 1 tr into last sc, skip tch, turn.
3rd row: 7ch (count as 1 tr and 2ch), skip first tr, work [ 1 tr, 2ch, 1 tri into next 1ch sp. 1 ch, skip 3ch sp, 1 sc into next sc, * 1 ch, skip next 3ch sp, work a Fan into next 2ch sp. 1ch, skip next 3ch sp. 1sc into next sc; rep from * to end, skip tch, turn.
4th row: 6ch (count as 1 tr and 1ch), skip first tr. work 1dc into next 2ch sp. 3ch, 1sc into center tr of Fan, *3ch, skip next 2ch sp. 1dc into next 2ch sp, 2ch, skip next tr. sc and tr, work 1dc into next 2ch sp, 3ch, 1sc into center tr of Fan; rep from * ending last rep in 3rd ch of tch. turn.
5th row: 1ch, *1sc into sc, 1ch, skip next 3ch sp, Fan into next 2ch sp, 1ch, skip next 3ch sp; rep from * to last sc. 1sc into sc, 1ch, skip next 3ch sp, work [1tr, 2ch| twice and 1 tr all into top of tch, turn.
Rep 2nd. 3rd. 4th and 5th rows.
sc, skip tch, turn.
3rd row: 1ch, 1sc into first st, *skip n&ćU sp. Shell into center of next Picot. sk cl® 3ch sp* \ Picot into next dc; rep from ' ing last rep at * *, 1 sc into next ch of tch Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.
Multiple of 4 sts + 1.
(add 1 for base Chain)
1st row (right side): 1sc into 2nd I hook. *3ch, skip 3ch. 1sc into next efe from * to end, turn.
2nd row: 1ch, working into back łoop i of each st work 1sc into first st, *3cm i 3ch, 1sc into next sc; rep from * to end.! tch, turn.
Rep 2nd row.
Multiple of 7 sts.
(add 1 for base Chain)
1st row (right side): 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, *skip 2ch, work a Shell of 11 dc, 1ch, 1dc, 1ch, 1 dc) into next ch, skip 2ch, 1sc into next ch**, 3ch, 1sc into next ch; rep from * ending last rep at * * in last ch, turn. 2nd row: 7ch (count as 1 tr and 3ch), *work a Picot of [ 1 sc. 3ch, 1scl into center dc of next Shell, 3ch*\ 1dc into next 3ch arch; rep from * ending last rep at * *, 1 tr into last
o Cham m Slip stitch + Single crochet T Half double crocnet ^ Double crochet ^ Treble $ Double