Herc. 3 knit shaker sntches and I purł >1 uiker stitch aro worked altcr* natcly. The hrsi and third knit shaker stitches in the rows on ihc right side ot the work are knir together with the yarn ovcr. For the sccoihI knit stitch. the yarn ovcr i* woiked in the nnvs on the right side ot the work, .iikI the stitch i> purlcd together with the yarn ovcr on the wrong siJc ot the work. You can cxpand this to 5. 7, or morę knit stitches mi that cł>e ril^ on the wrong side ot the work are farther a pan.
For triple-ribhed shaker knitting. the numhcr ot stitches has to be div-Uiblc h> 4 + 1 + 2 schcdgc stitches. Row I (WS): selv sr, * k I, slip l puriwisc with yo. kl. slip 1 purlwise with yo *. kl. selv st.
Row 2 (RS): *clv st, ' slip 1 purlwise with yo. k next st tog with the yo •, slip I purlwise with yo, selv st.
Row ): sclv st. • k next st tog with yo, slip I purlwise with yo. k ncxt st tog with yo *, k ncxt st tog with the yo, sełv st.
Repeat Rows 2 and 3.
shaker kiuitnig:
On one uJc urth 3 shaker kmnmg stitches next to one anod urr....
...on the ether su te a cotnfileidy new latured
patiem with Tths of shaker knitting stitches.
This pattern is acrnally a texturcJ patiem, not a real shaker knitting panem, sińce it is not worked wirh yarn ovcrs or with the necdle insert -ed in a stitch of the pre\ious row. It is good for coutury-look sweater* and cardigans as well as scarvcs, sińce ir looks the same on Kith side* Ukc shaker knitting.
The numhcr ot stitches is divisiHc h\ 4 + 3 + 2 $elvedge stitches.
Row 1 (RS): sclvst.HJ.pl *.k3, selv st.
Row 2 (WS):selv st.kl.pl. *13. pl °. kl. selv st.
Repear Rows I and 2
h'mix shaker krutting: Actuałły, a stmfJe tcuureJ piatem