Koitting $uch pattems and still kceping thcm “stniiglu" is not magie. You simpły have to ntake surę ihat you work the shortened rows co che same point lirom l-oth sides. Ihe single stitch at the end ot the >hort-encJ row is a pcrfcct reference point. To make surę you donr work 1 row shoricr chan the otlter, work ihe passed-ovcr scitch preciseły on top of this single stitdi. Tltat U what was done tn all 4 of rhcse paltem vnrin' ikms, altlwugh ii doc> not look chat way ar tiret glance. For every srripe. I worked morę or less 6 sritchcs. The 3 rows ttt purple are slanted hecause ot the shortened rows.
You should not work this type of pattern ovcr too many rows, bceausc the rows worked over all the stitches would strctch too much. Hut 5 time» 2 rows, as in these examples. is no problem.
The right side and the left side start with short shortened rows.
The right side starts with long shortened rows, the left side with short shortened rows.
The right side starts with short shortened rows, the left side with long shortened rows.
The right side and the left side start with long shortened rows.