Shortened Rows for Slanted Patterns
Shortened Rows at the Left Edge of a Facing
over ahead of the first stitch, and work back along the row of facing.

IWork a row on the wrong sido of the work to the end of the facing. Turn, make a tight yarn
4 Insert the left needle, from right to left, into the stitch and the yarn over at the same time...
2 In the noxt row on the wrong side of the work, knit the facing stitches up to the yarn over.
Slip the yarn over onto the right needle knitwise.
yarn over is ahead of the stitch—
i.e., on the back of the work.
7Aftor the next row, the shortened row can hardly be seen even on the right side of the work.
IFor darts on the right side, turn the work with a yarn over,...
2 ...and when you knit back
along the row, first reverse the yarn ovor and the next stitch, as doscribed above, then purl them together.
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