You need a linie dexterity for kniiting gioves. I>ecause even the few stitches for the fingers havc to be worked in rounds.
5/6-78 ^5/6,7
5/67/8 4OT
G'ove size |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
HiitS ciicumleterco «IrebłS |
tu |
r.e |
88 |
9.6 |
Sucha* w cae on |
•10 |
46 |
68 |
W |
Sttchas irv«i guia« |
13 |
13 |
15 |
17 |
Swchae 45f!hurt) fourEholla |
T |
7 |
9 |
» |
'^ćogrri o» llngar |
i |
24 |
2.8 |
32 |
Lłogtł oi rtoo »opat |
34 |
20 |
32 |
38 |
LKgw n mcfclte ingef |
26 |
3 |
34 |
38 |
Langrt «< <cnfngar |
24 |
28 |
32 |
3 8 |
Lengł' ol ihumo |
2 |
2.2 |
2.4 |
26 |
Ju>t like socks, gloves should bc knit rebtiveły tightly. These głoves werc worked in purc virgin wool ot approximntely 125 ni (137'/z yds) 50 g (1% oz), on >i:e 4 double pointed needles. The gauge is 26 stitches and 38 rows for a 4” squarc.
For the right glovc, work the palm with the first and second needles, the hack of the hand with the third and fourth needles. Reverse rhis for the lett gk>ve. Since all the tinger* arc worked symmcirically, only the position of the thumb has to be changed. Heerything dsc i$ worked the same way.
5'6.7/e 67/89 / PlrWc \ nrv*.
667/8 6.7/69
The gloves are descrihed in size 7. All information for sizes 6, 7, 8, and 9 (for yarns with a gauge of 26 stitches and 38 rows - 4“) is eon tained in the table.
Ribbed Cuff
Cast on 48 st u uh >i:e 3 needles (sec also casring on iii kitchener rib, page 207) and divtde the stitches cvcnly among the 4 needles of rhe ser (12 st per nccdlc). Work the cuff to the desired lengrh. Howcver, ir should he at least 2' / long. li you tend to knit rihhiny vcrv tightly. or it you want to rum the cuff over. you can also cast on a few stitches morę and knir 2 stitches together scveml times in the First row of stockinette stitch.
Thcn continne in stockinette stitch on si:e 4 needles.
Thumb Gusset
After 2 rounds. start with the inereases tor the thumb gusset. On the First needle. knit 2 stitches. Before and after the third stitch. mc l stitch knit twbted out of the horizonrai thread. Thcn work 3 rounds without ineroasing. In the fourth round. inc I stitch on borh sides of the inereased stitch. Repeat these inereases every fourth round 4 moro times (13 stitches for the thumb gusset). After the last round of increasing, work another 3 round, thcn pur the 13 tluimb stitches owo a stitch holder.
For the leń glovc, work to within 3 stitches hefore the end of the fourth needle for the thumb gusset, then work the inereases hefore and after rhe third to last stitch.
Thumb Fourchette
Abovc rhe thumb stitch on the stitch holder, cast on a fourchette of 7 stitches. End the round and work another round over all the stitches.
In rhe next round, w ork decreases over the 7-st fourchette a> fullows; Slip rhe First fourchette stitch, knit the second fourchette stitch, and pass the slipped stitch over. Knit the next 3 stitches and knit the last 2 stitches together. In the ncxr round, repeat the decreases. Thcn work 1 round without de-crc.ises .nul in the next round. slip the lirst of the last 3 fourchette stitches knitwisc, knit the next 2 Stitches together. and pass the slipped srirch ovcr. Naw you havc the original 12 st on the first needle ngain.
Continue evenly up to the lttrle tinger.