Gloves and Mittens


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Pinkie Finger

\Vhcn thc glovc is long cnough fur ihe pinkie finger. woric to within 6 stitches from thc end ot thc second needle. Nmv work the last 6 stitches on thc second nccdlc .md the first 6 stitches on rhe third nccdlc on extra nccdlc with a ncw piece of yarn. Cast on 3 stitches .is the fourchette from thc hack ot thc glove to the palm. Divide thc.sc 15 stUches among 3 needles, 5 stitches on cach. nnd work in the round in stockinctte stitch.

When thc finger is about 2" long, rry thc g!ovc t>n. Siarting about W befote thc fingertip, knir rhe last 2 .stitches on cach nccdlc together. Work these iłecrcascs umil only 6 snrchcs arc left in total. Cul uff thc yam and Jraw thc 6 stitches together with the yam.

Nów, using thc prccious yam. work 3 stirches out uf thc fourchette. then work al)out 3 rounds ovcr nil thc stitches to thc ring finger.

Ring Finger

Work to within 5 stitches from thc end ol rhe second nccdlc- With a ncw piece uf yam. work thc last 5 snrchcs on thc second nccdlc, thc 3 stitches uf thc fourchette, and thc first 5 stitches on thc third nccdlc on cxtra nccdlc with a new piece of yam. Cast on 3 stitches as thc ncxt fourchette. Dividc these. 16 stirches among 3 needlcs, (5/5/6 stitches), and work m round tn stockmerte stitch tor about 21Slip thc last stitch from thc second and third needlcs onio thc first and founh needlcs, rcspoctively.

Wotk the tip as for the pinkie finger. Since there is 1 stitch less on 2 needlcs, don’t knit any stitches together on these needles in the firsr dcc round. Draw thc last 6 stitches rogether with thc working yam.

Middle Finger

Put thc first 7 stitches from thc lirst needle and rhe lasr 7 srirches from thc fourlh nccdlc on a stitch holdcr for thc forefinger.

Knit thc 6 stitches on thc back of the glove, knit 3 stitches from the fourchette ol the ring finger, knit the next 6 stitches on thc palm. and cast on 3 stitches tor thc ncxt fourchette. Divide these 18 stitches among 3 needlcs and end the middle finger like the pinkie finger.


Knit 3 stitches from thc fourchette. then knit thc rcmaimng H stitches. Divide these 17 stitches among 3 needlcs (5/6/6 stitches), and tinish the forefinger likc thc other lingers.


In addition to thc 13 tluimb stitches from the stitch holdcr. knit another 7 stitches from thc fourchette. To pre-vent a hole Irom forming, knir rhe first and last stitches twisted from the horizontal thread next to the thumb stitch. Dividc these 20 stitches among 3 needles (6/7/7 stitches).

Knit in round over all thc stitches. When thc thumb is 2" long. work the tip as for t hc other fingers.


Mittens are started |ust like glovcs. Aftcr rhe thumb fourchette, continuc "-S* working ovcr the stitches to the end of thc pinkie finger. Then start che dccreascs tor thc bandcd tip.

For thc bandcd tip. knit 1 stitch on the firsr needle. slip rhe second stitch knitwisc, knit thc third stitch. .ind pass thc second stirch over it. Work co within 3 stitches bcforc the end of thc second needle. then knit 2 stitches together and knii the kisi stitch. Work the decrease on the rhird needle as on thc lirst nccdlc, and on thc fourth needle as on rlie second needle.

Rejv.it these decreases ewry other round until only hall’ the stitches are left on rhe nccdlc. then work thc decreases in every round until only 8 stitches in total are left.

Place thc rcmaimng stitches of thc figlu band flar onro rhose of rhe left band and sew them together using grafnng stitch.


Since the last 6 stitches of the fingertips are drawn together using the working yarn, the stitches should not be too largo. For this reason, work the last round of decreases with a needle one size smaller than that used for the other rounds.


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