Next 11 rounds
Rounds 1 and 2 Chenge to rotor B, and wor.< Slip 2, ki6; repect from * u thc end.
Round 3 Cianęie tc colo'A, and knit.
Round 4 *Kni: to tne ast 2 stitches bpfore the marker, k2tcg; repeat from * to he end.
Round 5 Purl.
Repeat thc last 2 rotrds 3 mor? times—2A stitrhes.
Remove markery leavi ig outy the marker ot :he bcg rnirc ot the round. Next 3 rounds
Round 1 (haruje to tutor B, and work Js ip 2, k6; repco: from * tc the
Round 2 Change :o cclor A, and knit.
Round 3 <2tog 12 tines—' 2 slitd es.
Cul the yarn, ard use o topestry nccdle :o thread tne taił through the reiridining 12 s:itches. Pj I tight to dosc the teo of the h3t.
W?ave n all the onse ends, tdltliing down at least 3" (7.5cm; ot cach end to ensure a Tight hołd during the felling process.
Please refer to the guidclincs for washing machinęfelthig on page 113.
I' ooss ble, allow tne nat to air ery over a •nannegun heać, w g form. or kitchen bawi “Jist measures about the same as the Jesired circurifererce of the ha:—approxinate y 22" (56cm) fnr most adult neaos.
J'lt is the pervading law of all things organie, and inorganic, of all things physical and metaphysical, of all things human and all things superhuman, of all true manifestations of the head, of the heart, of the soul, that the life is recognizable in its expre$sion, that form ever follows function. This is the law."
—Louis Henry Sullivan, one of America's first modern architects
shibori crcatiyity 75