46091 S20C 409120813313

46091 S20C 409120813313


11    9    7    5    3    1


Set up round *K20, pl m; repeotłrom * 4 times morę. k to Ihe end.

Next round AKnitto the last st tch before ihe narkei, ml, kl, ml; repeat frorr ' lu iheeid- 132 stitches.

Work in stccknettp stitch roi 5 'ounds (krit every 'ound.)

Next round #Knit to the lest stitch oefcre the marker, m\ ki, ml; repeatfrom * "o _he end—144 stitacs.

Werk cvonly in stock nette stitch until the b:ir measures 4’/;" (11.Scrn) fom the garter ridęes at the bas? of hat,

Next round fJurl to ferm the turning ridge ;or hem.

vVor.< in stockinette st tch for b rounds, then bino ołf all stitches.


Using color 11, casl on 144 s:i:chcs, and work in gar-er slitch for 4 rows.

Work the $<a Diamond pattern chart, "he chart wi I oc repeateci 12 times auoss. Us ng color 3, work in garter stitch tr 3 rows, then bind uff al1 s:i:ches.


Usinc cole: A and a tapestry needle, sew the hem to the wrony side.

Weav? in all tl e loosc enes, being sjre ho weave at eas: 3" (7.5cti) of each end to er surę a tight hc-ld during the felthg process.

Please refer to the guidelines for wusking machinę fcUing on pege 118.

h?lt l ie łidt and the bond separatek Felting the pieces seperotely v/ll allowyou :o iave morę contro! over the hatband size.

Shapc by hand, espacially pulling oit sny areas of that micht have drawn in morę tightly dian desired di.r ng Il e felting pmcess.

Shape the hal ab shown in :hc photo: make a sligr lrdenlatkn on the crown, roli up the out, as des red, and puli cn the brim perindically as the hat drics. Błock the hatband lightly if needed.

If possible, allow the hat to air dry nver a uiannequin head, wig *omf o* kitchen bowl that measures about the same as the desired circunference of the hol—ajproximatcly 22' (36cm) fcr most acJull heads.

When the pieces are dry, altach the hatbanc to the fnished hat, pinninq t in place. Sew it down us ny a sewing reedlc and threac.


9 U Knit on RS. pud on WS 7 Zl Color B 5    Color C

3 i

<hibon crenlivil\r 71


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