The marhle fdting techniyuc has successfitlly infiltratcrf the knitting worki. For years, zmian* intcrpreintions cfthis ancienł and most basie shibori techninue have flocded around on the Internet,
upueared al ihc odd sheep and zaooi festiual, and eoen dcbuleci on Broadway w the wihily imaginative coshtmes of The Lioji King.
The simplc resisl of mar bies is used in one scarf (mi/tjitrginuly) and ntbber golf balts nre nsed in another (green/bluc). E.rperiment zoith dried beans, e.ucahjptua pods, balians, or cny o tli er bard objer.t that cmi erniure the washing machinę and a whole lotta shakin'going on!
surrentltr to bhibori 25