Measu'er;ier.K are given fcr XS (S, M,XL) rnzes t that order Before fclllng
4/2" ftr a’l sizes irdudina hcri x 28 (32, 36,40,
( x /I 81, 91, 101.5, H2lcm)
Afi er felting
3Vi ' for nil sizes including herr x 26 (30,3ś 38, 40)'
(9un x 66 76,86.9G.5,101,5)cm)
i-W/ ingfibvr
1 (2,2, 2,3) $<€'rs of Alchomy Ya'ns Sanctuary, 70% nerino. 30% sik, 1% oz (50g). ' 25 yds (114m), 06f Poppy (color A), śjł) !ight
1 skein of Alneny Yarns Silk Purse. 100% si k, 1 % oz (5Cg), 138 yds (1/6m). 89c Black & Bite (color B), ® ight
28 (70cr) cifcjlar needl? in size JS G (Amm) oi size needed to obtain aauge
2 large snaps or closurcs of youi tlioice, 1 h" (3.8cm) in diameter Swing thread lo match color A
Tapeslry need e
24 sttchcs and 28 rows - 4" (lOcm) ir chart pattcrn before fclting
Work willi short strands of color B (approximeleIy 8 yds [7.3m|) to avc)d icrig ino The two fters uscd in the Fair ls'e patcern Simply puli toin' H fr?e frcm coio* A after every few rows of kn tting to keep knols frorr forming in the yarn that is < arned.
VVeavng in the ends as you go wil save a creat dea of time when thc piece is completed.
The patiem rcpect is 24slilches wide, whin eguals ^ ' (lOcm) before felting. Tc noke the bek ayer or smaJer, add or suotroct mulliples of 24 stitchcs as ces red.Tł e snaps may be sewn anywhere, aeating rrcre *’lexibility in the fit, which yoj tc wear thc bclt high at the lalural waisr or Iow ot che liip.
Whsn rhoosing a size, aflow apprcxinia:.ely 3" (/.Ser) for ovedap at the sricn dosiire.
Jsing color A, casL on 188 (192,216, 240, 264} stitc.ies, and knit 2 rows :o form hem.
BELT sections A and E of che cńail in kair Isle. then work sccticn A again. Be surę to carry thc co or rot in jv» acnss the wreng sidc. Tie charl will b? repeatec 7 (8,9,10,11) limes across.
Usi ig color A. knit 2 rows.
Using cclor A, ptr. 2 iows lo forrr hem.
Bind off all stitches.
Using color A arc o tapestiy r eecJIe, s?w the hens tc thc wrong side.
Jse a darniny need e tc weave in a I the icose ends, b?hg surę to weavc at least 3" (7 Son) of each end to o.isire a tighl hołd during the felting process.
66 shibori knih