Scwrin Sleclheart and hisloyal warriors havc fought al thc forc front of thcGod-Kings warssińce thcGatcsof Azyrfirst opcncd, caining countlcss battlc honours. Ihcir fcllowship is unbrcakablc. Togcthcr. thcy bclierc Ihcrc is no task loo grcat for thcm to oYcrcome, and no foe thcy caiinot defeat.
Rangę |
Attacks |
To Hit |
To Wound |
Rend |
Damage |
Scverin'\ Broadsword |
r |
3 |
3* |
4* |
-1 |
2 |
Obryn s Grandhammer |
i" |
2 |
4+ |
3+ |
-1 |
3 |
Angharad s Warhammcr |
i ■ |
3 |
»• |
3* |
1 |
Steclhcarfi Championi ha* J modeli Severin Słeelhrail (who i* armtsl willi a Broadiwotd). Otiryn the Boki (who bears a Grandhammer) and Angharad Brightihield (whocarries a Warhammcr and Sigmarite Shield).
Sernia Slcrlheart: The leader of Ihis unit is Sererin Slecihearl. If a targel unit hat 5 or morc modeli, you can re-rołl failed hit rotli for Severin Słeclhcart'* Rmadsword.
Herok Guard: Stce!heart's Championi stand impcrvious and unytelding in the face of the enemy, refusmgtogisean meh even iigumil seemingly imposiible odds.
If an enemy unii finithcs its charge move within W of l his unit. add I toihis unitssavc roili for thc reit of the turn. llowceer. thn unit cannot alsoadd I to its iave roili for bemg wholly on or within a terrain feature while this ahility is heing uted.
La) Lowthe Tyranii: Ihe Uberalors lash u toJree the Mortal Realms from theyohe of oppression. and thcy do so by slaying tyrmnts. hurtords and championi of rum n-hererer they arefound.
If any model from this unit sefeetsan enemy unit with a Wounds charactcristtc of 5 or morę ai tbe targel for all of iti attacki in a toni bat phase. add 1 to that model's hit roili in that combat phaic.
Sigmarite Shieldi: Forgedfrcm the wondnmi tiving metal knertrn as sigmarite. the shselds cf Ihe Stormcast Bternahforrn an impenelrable wali against the blades and spetti of theirfoes.
You can re roli save roili of I for thn unit while it ineludes Angharad Brightshicłd