29 4
# APF-29 p. 02
\. Cut l bod ice and tulłc lininr.. cut 1 collar on thc bias, and cut 1 skirt.
2. Pin the tulić lininę to thc bodicc.
3. Sew around thc armholcs and the back swams--turn and prosa.
A. Mark thc darts--pin and scv--prc5s--clip thc
corncrs--run a eathcrine thrcad alonę thc front of thc collar, aftcr turninc-
6. Pin thc collar to thc bodicc neck at the center of thc neck--scw.
7. Iland sew thc insidc of thc collar down--fold thc collar in half and tack thc cnfs down.
8. Pin thc skirt darts --sen --pin thc plcats in thc skirt and pin thc skirt to thc waist of thc bodicc--scw.
9. Scw the skirt back swaa--sew thc snaps for closinc and hc» by hand.
A. Join thc rięht and left hat crowns and sc« thc top.
/ 2. Join the hat brins toeeiher and sou around thc cdce--turn--and
) trim od gc--top stitch.
I3. sew cathcrin6 casine thrcad around ccntor--pin to crown--sew.
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