11. Pin the bodice front and back co che slecvc aacchine A*a and 3*5 Pin and scu. (che ncc* of the bodlce 15 a iittle widc so tako a saall cuck r.cx: to the aiccv« jo It will fit.)
12. Mark the aacta in the bodico--aew--tria the darta.
13. Sew the boaicc ule seans.
U. Pin che akirta to the center front of ehe bodice.
15. Adjust the ęathcr5--wraping che sklrt around ehe back for a plackct.
16. Sew the walst 5caa--clip the cornera and turn to the right jldc.
17. Sew the back $caa.
1$. Sew snaps for closing.
19. Cut a piece of taffeta naterial 2 in. by 22 ln*for a sash.
20. Kaa the edge with the aachine hcnacc-$cw acrosa the endo--turn to the right sidc to aake * point at each end of the saah.
21. Run a Gathecing thread acrosa the center of the aash (up L down)--pull the gathers up and tle thca--put 3 across the front of the saah 1 in. apart.
22. Tack the saah to che center of the front waiat ao that it uiil be tled in a big bow in the back of the dresa.
1. Cut a garbage bag twistce 3 in. long.
2. Cut 2 picccs of i in. satin ribbon and gluc to cach aide of che twiatcc.
3. Khan dry sew 3 flowcra on the ribbon.
a. Cut a piece of tulić 2H in.widc by 3 in. long. Run a gathccing thecid at the top of the tui la..adjuat the gathera and sou to the back of the head piece. 3cnd the tuistce to fit the doiła hcad.
2. Cather lace to go around the flowcra--scu in place-
3. Make 6 streaaers to hang down froa the flowcra--using the aanc ribbon aa che hat.
Short whltt c 1 ovca and a pearl necklacc would co-aplcte this outfit.