Your appearance? You can be. Don*t misunderstand me, and think I want you to be egotistical, for such is not my point. I simply want to imprez upon you the importance of a clean mind and body- one that you will be proud of. You don’t necessarily havc to be vain to feel, as you puss people on the streets, that you are physically superior to all. and that you could eome out a winner if attacked, under any circumstances. It is siinply a feeling of superiorily that goes with a strong and well developed body. If you have not this fccling in you, by all mcans get it.
Send me your complete measuremcnts and tell me as much about yourself and your way of living as you can, and if I think that you need special help in reducing flesh or in gaining weight or in overcoming any bad nabita, I wrill send you special lessons for that purposc without extra charge. Such lessons would be worth at least $5.00 morę. but I will include it with the course simply because I want to give you as complete a system as possible. You musi grt strong.
I positively guarantee results, and if you are not benefited I will refund your money and you will. of course, return the pro-grcssive eserciser at my expense. I invite correspondence. Remem-ber opportunity knocks but once. Here is your opportunity to get strong and muscular for the smali price I ask—$28. Take advantage of tliis offer and enroll today. Each day you postpone i9 a day lost, so send for my course no w, while it is on your mind.
Send remittance by Postał Money Order or cash f lf cash be surę to register letter). to
305-309 Broadway, New York City.