Creative Doughcraft0

Creative Doughcraft0



Finishing bread dough

Bread dough can be coloured before it is modelled, saving a lot of time and effort. When the coloured dough is dry, you can also paint over it, adding spots, stripes or decoration of your choice.

Colouring bread dough

IFIatten a smali piece of dough on a work surface, and put some paint in the centre of the dough.

Fold the edges of the dough together and gently press the paint into the dough. Don’t press too firmly or the paint will ooze out at the sides and you will end up with morę paint on your fingers than on the dough.

An easier way to colour dough is to place the dough between a piece of plastic wrap or cling film, this way you will not waste any of the paint or get paint all over your hands.

Knead the dough until you have obtained an even colour throughout. Wrap each colour separately in plastic wrap or cling film to prevent it from drying out.

Remember that the paint is very rich in colour, so only use a smali amount at first. If you fmd that the co.our isn't deep enough, add morę paint. If the colour is too rich, add morę white dough.



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