I Make a copy of the hive and sun templates on scrap paper. Cut out the hive and four suns from dough using the templates. Make a hole at the top centre of the hive and top and bottom of the suns with the drinking straw.
Cut eight straight pieces from the hairpins measuring 13mm (I4in) long using the wire cutters. Trim the four rounded pieces to measure 13mm (’/in) and pinch them together with the wire cutters to form an eyelet hole.
)You will need to make four
bumble bees. Each bumble bee has a head, a central scction and a long taił. These three shapes are connected together on a cocktail stick. Make surę that no cocktail stick shows at either end of the bumble bee. Push two straight pieces ot the hairpins 6mm (’/in) into the head to make the antonnae. Roli two tiny balls of dough and push them onto the end of the antennae. Push the wire eyelet into the top of the body.