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Divide The bread dough into thirds and colour one piece pink, one blue, and leave the remaining piece white. Wrap the coloured dough up separately in plastic wrap or cling film.
Lightly grease the insiće of the smali bowl. Roli out the salt dough
so that it is 6mm (’/in) thick. Lay the dough inside the bowl and trim off the edges using the knife. Make a hole with the large hole drinking straw in the centre of the dough.
SMake four holes around the inside edge of the bowl edge using the smali hole drinking straw, spacing them out evenly.
C Place the bowl on a baking tray, and bakę it at 120°C (250°F or Gas Mark ’/) for about two hours. Remove the dough from the bowl and allow it cool. If you find that underside of the dough isn't quite dry, turn it upside down on the baking tray and return it to the oven for further baking.
SHang up the top of the mobile using the cord and bead, it will make it easier to paint and decorate. Paint the bowl shape white inside and out. Leave it to dry, then varnish it.