After the first 4 rows, knit 1 row on the right side of the work and then work 3 rows in reverse stockinette stitch in every color. The colors
These 4 rows in aqua and white are in reverse stockinette stitch. The linę is madę in the first row of the new color each time the color changes.
Color Changes in Reverse Stockinette Stitch and Patterned Stripes
‘‘Lines" form whcn knit and purl sritches comc on rop of each orher m horizontal stripes with tcxtured patterns. In order to have a elear color diłferentiation on the right sidc of the work with these patterns. the sritches in the tir>t row of a new color have to be knit on the tighi sidc and purled on the wrong side.
on the wrong side of rhe work.
Work color patterns with an uneven number ofrows. like the lv».\ stitch pattern with-out a "linę" (sec colunm 3. row 2 photo on tlns page). on a circular knilting necclle This way. yon can always push the .stitche.s to the end of the needte w herc the yarn for the new color is lo-cated You won i have to sew in all tltose ends after ever>* color change.
Here the pattern is alternately 2 knit, 2 purl, and after every other row—i.e., in every row on the right side of the work, the sritches are switched. A new color starts every 6 rows. In all seed or box stitch patterns. purl sritches in the new color will show up as a linę.
Here the box pattern is knit over 7 rows. The first row of each new color is worked as an additional row. It is knit on the right side of the work and purled on the wrong side. This additional row is hardly noticeable in the pattern. Only the stripe is a littlo wider.
At the bonom, the stitches botween the cables are done in re-verse stockinette stitch. At the top. these stitches are worked as knit stitches in the first row on the right side each time there is a color change. This allows better color definition.