twisting after each loop the right side of the ribbon will be on the outside of the loops.
Continue making loops in the same manner until there are 3 loops on each side of your thumb and finger. Twist taił to the right side. Insert wire through center circle and bring ends to back. Hołd wire tightly and
Bring long ond of rlbbon forward and wrap snugly over and under thumb to form smali circle.
Make V» twist with long end of nbbon be-tween thumb and finger. Use the next 4" of ribbon to make a 2" loop, looping ribbon up and AWAY from you. Slip it between thumb and finger
Make Vz twist between thumb and finger. Use the next 4” of ribbon to make a 2" loop, looping ribbon down and AWAY from you and hołd between thumb and finger. By
Flatten circle, gather at the center and wrap with the wire.
Repeat with other 2 pieces. Cut excess wire from each of the loops.
Three Sizes
Approx. finishcd diameters -4Vz", 6”, i1 Vz" Refer to General Information and Instructions on pages 3-4.
Choose ribbon width according to size of finished bow desired.
1 V« yards No. 5 ribbon = approx. diamoter 4V»"
12/a yards No. 9 ribbon = approx. diameter 6''
2Vt yards No. 40 rlbbon = approx. diameter
11 Vt"
Tie wire
Instructions are written for No. 5 ribbon. Any changes for No. 9 rlbbon are in { ). Any changes for No. 40 ribbon are in / /.
Cut ribbon as follows: 8", 10". 12" (12". 14", 16") /18", 22", 26"/.
Set aside remaining length to use for tails. Shape one of the 3 cut lengths into a circle. overlapping ends about 1”.
Arrange wired loops in layers, large one on bottom, smali on top. Pinch all 3together at center and place tie wire under thumb with one end extending approximately 2" beyond thumb. Bring wlres to back of bow. Hołd tie wire tightly and twist bow to secure.
Tie the taił piece around the center leaving tails ot approximate equal length. Tie knot at back of bow and adjust tails.
Cut tails as desired.