A back stitch i' worked from ri<;hr to Icft, bctwecri the $elvedgc stitch and rhc first stitch, ufing rhe original yam and a blunt tapestry nccdlc 01 yam needle. As you sew, unJo thc additional rows 1 stitch at a ttmc
First insert rhe tapestry needle through thc stitch ofthe casting-on row and the first stitch of the facing. frntn bot tom to top. As you sew, undo the additional nnvs I stitch at a time. Tlicn go back rhrough thc stitch of thc casting-on row from top to hot tom, and through thc knirrcd piece one horizontal threaJ farthcr to thc Icft and through rhc second taang stitch, from bottom to top. Thcn conrinuc worki ng as descrihed tor the drawing at the botcom right.
However, sińce you havc approNi-mately 25‘\» fcwer stitches availablc on rhe facing as you havc rows on the kmttcd piece, you necd tu work around 3 horizontal threads ofihe knitled piece instcad of 2 horizontal thrends, approximately aftor every 3 stitches. Kccp prcciscly to thc ratio you calculated previou$ly. otherwise you can cnd up with too fcw or cven ttx> many stitches. Or pin the facmg down carehilly aiong thc entirc length of the kmttcd piece, and dont take rhc pins out too soon.
For back stitch. put the needle through a facing stitch and knitted piece from top to bottom, then through tho knitted piece 2 horizontal threads over and facing stitch 2 stitches over, from bottom to top. Then go through the stitch 1 over to the right and knitted piece, from top to bottom. and back through the knitted piece and facing stitch 2 stitches over, etc. As you do this. undo the extra rows 1 stitch at a time.
IFor a doublo sewn-on facing.
pick up the facing stitches on thc wrong side of the work, going through the entire selvedge stitch.
3Bring the needle out and pin the facing on so that the corresponding stitches are right on top of one another. Now undo the additional rows 1 stitch at a time, and sew the facing on 1 stitch at a time using a back stitch.
2 For this facing, you work 6 rows in stockinette stitch, 1 row of knit stitches on the wrong side of the work, 7 rows in stockin-ette stitch. and 2 additional rows in a diffcrent color.