Rajasthan, 239-241.
Cl on cs with dominant monogenic resistance wcrc used io a back-Crossing programme to dcvelop resistance in adapted lucernę materiaL 2 of the recunent parents were Washoc and Lahontan, which are resistant to aphids, Ditylenchus dipsaci and Corynebacteńum insidiosum. Results indicate that it was reladvely easy to transfer Meloidogyne hapla resistance to adapted germ piasm while znaintaining rtsistance to several other pests. [From PI. Breed. Abstr., 40* No. 5302.)
0 6 2 3-LUNDIN, P., 1969. "Breeding of luceme for resistance to stem nematode and Verticillium wilt.** Sver. Uts&desfor. Tidskr., 79, Suppl. pp. 133-139. (Russian summary pp. 138-139.)
A breeding linę of luceme combining very high resistance to Ditylenchus dipsaci and Veriicilliron wilt was dcveloped by recurrenc mass selection. Nematode resistance seemed to be due to a smali number of major genes, while Verncillium resistance appeared co be morę compleac.
06 2 4TIKYANJ, M. G., KHERA, S. & TBHATNAGAR, G. C, 1970. "Aphelenchoides jodhpurenńs n.sp. from soil of great millet from " ‘ Ł India.'* Zool. Anz., 184 (3/4),
pmtmńt xuj>. from nO «nxmd tn t rafft li fritrd on 2 wfth body 0*53 to 0*54 om. kog, tetenJ fiddł wtth 4 żodsarn, «pcar J3 to 14 pi kot boa) ftktttłaB aottort ant b<rhihr3 the oon rła*. ruhr* « 70 to 7I\, orny with a tkgłe row at oocytts, post-vuh«] uttriac nc aboct ooe body-widzh ket and o t*il
mcosurfałg 4-2 «nal body-widths toof and ctrryist ■ tłmple comhMj rnocro. MJLS.
06 2S-HUANG, C. S., 1969. “Mechanism of giam celi inidadon and the subsequent intracellular chan ges caused by root-knoc nematode.** Diss. Abstr., 29 (12, Pt. 1), 4470-4471.
Giant celi formadon and associated pathology in Meloidogyne jcwani ca - infcct ed Vicia Joba and Cucumis satiims is described.
n-0 6 2 e -SONT1RAT, S. A CHAPMAN, R. A., 1970. “Penetratiun of alfalfa roots by difTerent stages of Pratylertchus penetrans (Cobb)." J. Nematol., 2 (3), 270-271.
The diffcrence in the ability of various stages of Pratylenchus penetrans to penctrate alfalfa seedlings was studied. Each seedling was inoculatcd with 25 specimens of a single stage in 1.5 ml. water and ineubated in the dark for 48 hours at 20 to 25°C. Results indicated that greater numbers of 4th-stage larvae and females had pcneiratcd the roots than 2nd stage larvac and males. It is conduded that the comporition of inocula used in the study of this nematode is as important as its quanuty.
0 6 2 7 —HARTMANN, R. W., 1968. “A compari-son of genetic resistance and fumigation for root-knor nematode control in pole beans." Proc. Am. Soc. hort. Sci., 93, 397-401.
Two similar pole bcan cultivars, Hawaiian Wonder (suscepuble to Meloidogyne incognito), and Manoa Wonder (resistant), were gTOwn in a field heaeily infested with nematodes. Half of che field was fumigated with D-D. Both genetic resistance and fumigation were highly effcaive in inereasing yields over the susceptible Hawaiian Wonder in the non-fumigated plots. [From Hort. Abstr., 40, No. 1107.1
06 2 8-RHODESIA, 1970. “Report of the SecTetary for Agriculture, 1968-69." SaHsbury: Gcroem-
ment Prinrer, 82 pp. [Plant nematodes p. 30.)
A survey of the distribution of Radopholus similis on banana in Rhodesia reveaied a number of infested sites, mainly in the Lowveld. Sugar-cane, maize, rice, wheat, tobacco, soybean, potato and groundnut also aa as hosts, the last-named often being scriously affeaed. Fumigation crials on 40 farms indicated that nematodes are not generally of economic significance in conon production, but Trichodorus sp. and Pratylenchus brachyurus can cause serious damage co cotton and maize.
*062 9-BALDWIN, J. G. & BARKER, K. TL, 1970. “Host suitabiliry of seleaed hybrids, rarierićs and inbreds of com to populacions of Meloidogyne spp." J. Nematol., 2 (4), 345-350.
The rates of reproduedon of 10 populacions of Meloidogyne spp. on 14 culdvars of Zea mays were derermined and the resuldng host response to infeedon was measured under glasshouse condidoas. The rates of nematode reproduedon varied with spęd es, populadons 0f spedes and with maize culdvars. Meloidogyne arenaria, M. incognito and M.jcwanica reproduced.on all culuvan-tested but nonę of the 3 populadons of M. hapla reproduced. Coker and Pioneer hybrids proved morę favourable for Meloidogyne reproduedon than McNair hybrids or open pollinated variedes and inbreds. The root weight of Coker 911 which supported large numbers of M. incognito was not affeaed by the nematode but that of Pioneer 309B which had fewer M. incognito eggs per g. was reduccd. Therc was generally somc reduedon in root growth of infeacd plants although top weights were not affeaed. There was liidc significant diffcrence in root growth within a given nematode/culuvar treatment.
0 6 3 0-KHEIRI, A., 1970. “Two ncw spedes in the family Tyleachidae (Nematoda) from Iran, with a key to Psilenchus de Man, 1921." Nemato-logica, 16 (3), 359-368. [German summary p. 367.)
Psilenchus iranicus n.sp. from ryc and luceme soil and Tylenchus eerealis n.sp. from rye and sunflower (Heli ant hus) soil are described in Iran. The former spedes has a clavate taił, a post-anal incescinal lobe and spicules 33 (i long. The latter species has 0*365 to 0 415 mm. long body in the female, vulva at 76 to 78-5%, a short taił with rounded terminus (c =a 10 to 11 in females) and 12 to 13 p. long spicules.
*0 6 3 1-SH£RWOOD, R. T. & HUISINGH, D., 1970. “Caldum nutriuon and resistance of alfalfa to Ditylenchus dipsaci.*’ J. Nematol., 2 (4), 316-323.
The influence of Ca>-f nutriuon on the resistance of luceme, Medicago sativa, to Ditylenchus dipsaci was decermined. Suscepuble 'Atlantic' and resistant 'Lahontan' luceme seedlings were grown on sand with a modified Hoagland’s solurion containing CaCla at 0*75, 1*5, 3, 6, or 12 tnM per łitre and buds were inoculatcd with 40 aaive nematodes in a 1% carboaymethylcelluiose suspension. Plants were re-inoculated after one day by covcring the seedlings with moist vermiculite and pipetting nematodes onto the surfacc; this covering was removed after 2 days. Peoetradon of buds and cotyledons after 2 days was equal in 'Atlantic' and ‘Lahontan' plants at each Ca** concentratiun although most nematodes were found in the cotyledons of Lahontan' and the buds of'Atlantic’. Concentrations of 12 mM Caf,r per lilie reduced penetratiun in both plants. 21 days after inocujation the number of nematodes in 'Atlantic* buds had inaeased 3-fold at all Caf*