ewt an etui cylinder on the *trip. and work pitoli along the cdf.cs with Czech Charlotte*. Add picots ro rhe lemaining edge of the rcmaimng sccrion of the end strip on the braccScl.
[4] On 1 yd. nil Ol Firelinc, usc cylinder* to wock a strip ot peyotc that is 12 row* widc b> 12 ro\v> long with si.\ cylindra on each edge. Zip up the cod* to form a lube.
[5] Sew throtigh the bcadwotk to extt
a cylinder at tltc civd of the twhe. Pick up a U*. 3 4 tnm rondel le, and ihrcc 155s. Skip thr threc 15's, and sew through il»c 4 mm. Pick up A 15% and sew ilown through the uevt cylinder and up through the following cylinder (photo j), Pick up a 15-'. and sew through the 4 tam, three 1 J*s, and back through the 4 inni. < onnnuc in this rnanner uround the end of the tubę, and tcpcat on the other side. EixJ thr thread and taił.
(8) Wsingrhc thread on the lS-row strip at the end of the br.wclct, 7ip up the strip to tlić center ot the roggle bar.
Add picots to rhe edge* of the strip as in step 1. Fnd all threads.
[1] On 1 yd. (.9 m] of Fireline. altach 3 stop bead (Basic*), kaving a ,6-in.
<15 cni) taił. String abenK 15 in.! 38 cm) of 5 mm ftcshwater pearl*. Using thr strand of pcarh, kw up through a ring on the edgr o) rhc braccler from back to front. Contir.pt wejving the pcar) trrand through tlić ring* around the bracelct in the same ma nr. et. frosn back ro front <pnoio W.
[2] Remoir the *;■',> < id. and add or reintwc pearl* a* rKcdcd. Stw through the hr*t rew pearl* added, and tic a haif-hitch knot. Srw through a fcw morę prarłt, and tic a half-hitch knot. Krpc.it about *ax tinies, and cud the thread and taił.
[3J Rcpcat steps 1 and 2 with a second strand of pearls, making sute to krep the MWtid *trniid around the outer edge of thr firsr strjnd. O
matenib. Sbe deagwd this bractłtt ro protett tbt ic-rts: from iht pointed bada uf iht fJnncs.
To mad ntore ahour łanu. itt “Autmiksing lirę surreal~ (p, 66). \'isil het Wrh sile, iuftUtntebęjJ. tom, ot conlaet het by coulit Al iuslktmfbeaii^fpnjil.cijrn.
Southern Bead Retreat at Callaway Gardę
The Gotd Standard in Luxury Bead Retreats!
Enjoy a week of fulklay cłasses with worid-dass instructors.
Classes will be smali, so registration is limited. Vistt our wetosite to register.
Do not miss this exdusive event!
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Cwctwia Kl/nZOGE
Laura McCabt
Dianę FrrzaERALO
Sherry Serafini
Eye cf Apollo Neckiac*
your STYLE"
www.Best8ladRetreat.com I.877.THE BF-AD INFO@BESTBEADRETREAT.COM