over 5 rows or 5 stitchcs mer 6 rows.
If you knit very tightly, or with nccdlcs nvo m:c> smallcr, or if you wam to work n smali cablc panem, you may have to pick up a stitch out of evcry row.
W Iren you liave few stitchcs and rows on your gauge sampłe—for example, if vou are knilting with si:i-10' j or 11 needlc' and <'nly need approximatcly 16 rows for 4" in Icngth—linie holcs mtglu tbfm when wu pick up che stitchcs if you skip rows. In rhis case, the hesr rhini» to Jo ts to pick up a stitch front cvcry row and knit 1 sritches together iii tire flrst rew on the wrong sidc of the work ar regular inierrak. Agam, you sitould rry thi> out using your saniple lor gauge.
For pic king up the facing -titches. it i$ importanr to havc tl>e correct selvedge stitchcs; chey should always Fe worked either in stockinctte stitch or in rcvcrse stockincttc stitch in cvery row. Only then i' it possihle to pick the mu chcą up evcnły. In order for rhe facing nor to foki towaids rhe outsiJc la ter, the entire scheJgc stitch also has to Fe picked up.
If the sehedge Mitches are not knit well, or are knit too ktosely. you can strengthen the edge with crochcted slip sritches. W hen crocheting. pa\ attention to how many slip stitchcs to work over the rows so that you can pick up a facing stitch out of every slip stitch latec You can also work the slip stitchcs sever.il stirches m front the edge and then sew the edge down on rhe tnside.
Bindtng oflf correctly ts also import-ant (sec pages 42ft). Normnlly, a facing hound olf ;ls the stitchcs lic will be very snetchahle. Therefore, you should always bind off fimtly. Always work as close as pttssihle to the tip of the nccdle, and make suro that when you jiass the binding-off stitchcs over, you Jon’t puli thc.sc stitchcs and make them long.
You get the tightest edge it you bind off the stitchcs K knining them together.
You can nemforce un edge tlun urn uymkcd t<»> loaseiy nr not Jonc uell with a rnu uf slip stnches crochcted
mi (fKige 73).
Nom klify, pick up 3 Stitchcs mer 4
min for stnckm-ctte stitch ot reierse stockincttc. The sen of 3 can he clcarly scen.
For foch ifft with pittems, nnluJing ńbbing, use the sample for gauge to try out hotc tnany stitchcs you need to pick up
Then (Mck up the facing stitchcs fmm hnth /hirts of the slip stitchcs. Use u thinner knitung needlc or use a crochet liook to puli the knitdng yarn thrnugh and pki tlić loop on the knming needlc.