If you knit facings on afterwards. it is \ ery impoitant to pick up the correct number of stitches and to bind off correctly. The FinLshed facing is not supposed to puli together or to be unattractively stretched out. Pay attention to the following tips and your facing will be perfect!
Single Facings
Fol Iow this Fasie nile for che number of stitches to be picked up: Always work $ sritches ovcr 4 rows. I'hi< i' altnost ulwavs the casc lor facings in stockinene stitch or reverse stockincttc stitch. For ribbing pattems that are worked as 1 x 1 or 2x2 ribbing, or for cublc pattems, you have ro try out the correct ratio of stitches to be picked up over the rows by using your sam ple as a gaugc-If the facing is not supposed to tighten too much, morę stitches are required—for exnmple, 4 stitches
Oii cun%m fucmgs. make surę thiit the ribbing is ummged to !v symmetriad.