

behind has been struck. On four it is much morę difficult to hunt down than on three. It is accomplished in the following manner. Having struck the first b3ow behind after some one beil, the last blow behind will be after one of the two other bełls. The ringer, therefore, takes care to look only for the hindermost of these two other helis, and having found it he foliows it for his last blow behind. He then takes care not to look again at that beil (because having just foliowed it the beli will at the next blow strike after him) but he looksout for the hindermost of the two rematning belJs, and follows it when he steps down into third’s place. He then lets it pass him and goes down into second‘s place, after the only beli that is left, and then goes to lead.

Mr. Wigram, in his Changć-nnging Distniaughd, sums up the whole matter thus: “ In hunting up, strike after the bel), which struck after you, until you come behind. In hunting down, see three bells move and follow the last; two, and fol Iow the second ; one, and follow that one; lead.”

Let me impress upon my readers very strongly thefact that whether hunting up or down, having once foliowed a beli, they will not again strike after that beli until the hunting in that diree-tion has been completed, and they are once morę either behind, at the lead, or hunting in the opposite direction. When once a beli has been passed, no notice must therefore be taken of it until there is again a possihility of its being the beli to follow. By this weeding out ” process, a thoughtful ringer may make surę that, as it cannot be some one beli, it must be a certain other beJl. My meaning may be best shown by referring to the treble in hunting down on four bells. Its first blow behind being over some one beli, the ringer will take care not to look again at that beli, but will observe which of the two other bdlsst ńkes immediately before him, and he will follow it at the correct intervai. This would be difficult for a novice, were it not for the fact that, of these two bells, one of them will be pullcd off so long before his own beil has to be pulled, that it will seem to be improbable that he has to


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