dysze palnika vx

dysze palnika vx

Nozzie 1

Nozzie 2

Nozzie recircuiation on two stage MS burners

After the minimum temperaturę has been reached by the senes connected thermai switch contacts in the ROB regulating contro) and oii preheater, burner start is reieased. The oil pump circuiates the oii via fiłter and solenoid va)ve to the oil preheater. the oii is heated and the viscosity reduced.

The heated oii forces the oii in the burner oil system through the suppiy oii linę, nozzie head. normaily open soienotd va!ve stage 1, to the pomp return. There is now hot oil present throughout the whoie system. The shut off device in the nozzie head rematns ciosed and oil cannot fiow through the nozzie

Other burner components are heated by a heating cartridge (see page 14).

After terminatlon of the pre purge period, the solenoid vaive item 5 in the nozzie return is energised and doses. The oii pressure increases in the nozzie shut off valve and at a pressure of approx 12 bar the nozzie shut off valve opens to commence stage 1 operation.

After a deiay the solenoid valve item 6 for stage 2 is opened by the burner control. Oil pressure is applied to the nozzie shut off valve which opens stage 2. Nozzie dnbble is to a large extent prevented by the secure closure of the two nozzie shut off valvps.

Nozzie head heating

Heating takes place directiy in the nozzie head which is insulated. A heating cartridge (item 9) with a capacity of 100 Waits is fitted in the nozzie body. The nozzie temperaturę is controłied by an eiectronic P type controiier.

The sensor is fitted adjacent to the oii lines inlet (item 8). The ROB controi can be set between the two temperatures 65 and 130°C according to the fuel quaiity.

When the burner shuts down, solenoid vaive (item 5) is de-energised and opens. The atomising pressure reduces immediateiy and the nozzie shut off valves ciose.


Oil preheater


Normaily ciosed safeły solenoid va!ve, VtQV, electricaiiy connected in series with item 4a

4a Normaity ciosed safety solenoid valve, 110V, electncally connected in series with item 4 (fitted against the fiow direction)

5 Normaity open solenoid valve (stage 1)

6. Normaily ciosed soienoid vaive (stage 2)

7    Pressure switch in return

8    NTC temperaturę sensor

9    Heating cartridge 100 W

0    Nozzie head as shut off device

1    Heat insuiation

SUrt m warm conditron

Start up time appro* 100 secs

Nozzie head maintenence and cieaning

8oth nozzjes can be replaced without affecting the function of the hydraulic nozzie shut off valves. if the nozzie shut off vaive 1 or 2 is removc-d the isoiating devices in the oil suppiy and re.„rn must first be ciosed.

Nozzie head heating on RMS7-RMS11 burners

As with the two stage burners, regulating burners for residual oils are also fitted with temperaturę controłied nozzie head heating. This enables the nozzie head to be kept at a constant temperaturę. The heating cartridge, whose thermai output is controłied by the ROB regulating control, has a capacity of 100 Watts. The ROB controi can be set between two temperaturo control points 65 and 130*0 depending on the fuel quaiity.

An NTC sensor is fitted on the heating cartridge support to measure the temperaturę.

The reiease thermai switch in the regulating controi is connected in series with the oil preheater reiease thermostat and oniy allows burner start after the seiected nozzie head temperaturę and minimum oil preheater temperaturę has been reached.

Additionał start Circuit with two purge time for RMS7-RMS11 burners to 01N 4787


After prepurge has taken place and the ignition position has been reached. the safety vaives are opened for 35 secs to enable the burner fuel systems components to be heated. The safety soienoid valves are then ciosed tor approx 40 secs. The oii preheater wid regain heat and can give the maximum temperatura after the 40 secs has etapsed.

After this period, the safety soienoid valves are re-opened and at the same time a return signal is given to the burner controi to conti nue the start up sequence. An intenra! of 6 secs, determined by the burner control, produces a second purge time up to the oil reiease and the temperaturę peak of the oil preheater is utiiised for the moment of ignition.

For a coid start the start up process lasts 30 secs longer than the start with the 45 secs time deiay (export version).

So that the coid start process does not take place when starting from a warm condition or after a short shut down period, a thermostat fitted in the burner fuel linę system between oii preheater outlet and distribution piece determines whether it is a coid start or a warm start with short purge period. The thermostat switching point is approx 55~60°C. if the oii linę temperaturę is morę than this figurę before the botier regulator switches on, then only the short purge time of 6 secs is used for the subsequent burner start This monitoring assures that there wid be no unnecessary delays during the starting process.

The Circuit is so designe.d that there is a baifast effect as far as the switching condition of the thermostat is concerned. This means that during an existing start up process, any thermostat response will not produce an aiteration in the sequence of operations already started, so that a coid start or a warm start aiways cleariy takes place once commenced.

If depending on oil temperaturę there is a warm start then the start up time of the burner is shortened by 45 secs due to the omission of the time deiay period of approx 45 secs.

The circulation return is aiways led into the pump return linę.

Nozzie heads are tested safety devices and according to DIN 4787 must not be interfered with.


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