KXERCISE 17 (abovc) — Stand on toes with your back to thc wali. Kaisc your right hand to reach as high aa possiblc; then attempt a atill hijfher reach. Return to original poaition. Ropeat cx-ercise with left hand. Start doing exercise 6 counts with each hand, workłng up to a m»ximum of 15 timca.
You're on your fourth duy . . . today . . . and by this timc you should l»e enting better . . . sleeping bet ter . . . and feeling better. For thc past threc days . . , if you havc followrd my instructions . . . and havc done thc exerciaes as directed . . . you h»ve atarted your body on a routinc of good healthy habits. You have started to make a complete trip around your body . . . cxcrcising musclea that you hnvcn*t uscd very much in the past. Suro, they've been sore . . . and they still are right now. Rut. at the same limo, they havc bcen awakened from their past inact.ivity . . . and aro now begin-ning to grow stronger. Soon they'11 bogiń to show up . . . in a moro dynamie and stronger YOU. For that reason, lot'» do some real seri-ous workouts from now on. And, therc's no better time than today . . . NOWI Lct's go by starting out with Exercise 17.
? EXERCISE 18 (left)—Lic on :T; your right side with your lega S hcld about 6 inches ofT thc flonr. ? Swing the left leg out and the right leg b3ck: then reverse these legs swinga, performing the exercise in rhythmic nas-sors fashion. Then lie on your left side and rcpcat. Start do-ing this exercise 8 counts on j; each side; Work up to a maxi-1 mum of 15 times. This i« spień-■ dłd for rcducing the hips.