The first stitch is now on the needlo in your right hand. Now insert the needlo into the loop around your thumb...
7 ...and puli the yarn through again. Tighten the loop.
thumb too and start casting on as described on page 18.
This method of casting on produces an cspccially durable edgc it you usc double yarn lor the bottom part. This is partieularly important tor child* rens swcaters as well as tor socks or hats, sińce the cast-on edge ts often strctchcd a lot. Place the yarn around your leń hand as previously abovc. The end piece ot yarn has to be about twice as long.
2After you have tightened the first stitch, put the short end piece aside and keep working with the two loops of yarn on your thumb.
longer by putting an additional piece of yarn into the loop.
like. Cui ołT the lx>ttoni piece of yarn at the end of the casting-on tr>\v. and conlinue with the top piece
It s difficult to estimate the correct lengtll of the l»ottom piece of yarn Cse a skein each for the top part and the bonom part. and knot the encls loosely together. This way. you can cist on as many stitches as you