arm by PRESSING with your right hand aguinst thr palm o i your left hand Krep reaiating. with your left arm, the hard preaaure of your right hand until your left arm ic pr.estrd aideways aa far aa it will go. Now, relax for a moment
If done properly, thia whole move-ment will be slow and done with all your strcngth. Both your right and left arms will vihrate with the strength exrrted You ahould krep Aghting against the push of the right arm with c.vcry ounce of atrength you can muster in your left arm until finally you can reaiat no longer. Now. repeat Puah with your left hand forcing bark the right hand . slow-ly but aurely exerting all the
strength you ean muater
In just five aeconda you have given your arm musclea a work-out auch aa they may never hava had in yeara! You have puahed your arm-muacle fibera cloae up to the very peak of their a bili ty and their strength Whether you are young or old, smali and weak or big and husky, you have exerted your strength to ita FURTH EST SA FE LIMIT ! And ahould you gro w stronger . . and then atronger atill . . you would each time auto
matically rearh the very top of your new-found atrength!
No. 2—Training Tabla Talk—No. 2
Now, we take up the problem of mak-ing you put ererylhing you havt into each moremcnt . . coneentrating
mind and body on the single task of strmng to make your musclea grow in power and endurance. Thia is the purpoae of the vital prfneiple of PSYCHO POWER.
Aa a aimple way of cxplaining Pnyehu-Pourr, let us take two prixe fighters, fanng each othcr in the ring. They are aa evenlv matrhed aa it is poamblr for twb different men to be They are almoat identieal in height. weight, reach, build and AiChtinpr power
But. the first one goea into the ring with thr idea merely of *fiving and receiving hard blowa. The other con-centratea with Aghting fury on one burning purpoae: He ban goi to win / lir puta hia hcart and aoul EYERYTHING he haa . . into every
punch he deliver*. He thinka of noth-ing clae. He is deaf to the ahouting of the crowd. He hardly feela hi* oppon-ent'a blowa. He ta Iks to each punch mentaliy. He ia mentally crymg out: "Take that . . and that ANI)
Which Aghter do you thmk will win' And why? The aecond one of course . . . hem wie of the eoncrntrated power of hi* mind. Men tal Tower is a atrange and wonderful thing It haa enabled weaker men to uutAght atronger onea. It haa madę soft men into hard men, weak into strong. Men have accompliahed the "impositihle" becausr «»f the driving force of a single. all-absorbing thought.
The term PSYCHO itaelf atanda for ■n ancient tireek word meaning "mind" and Mfcrenfh*\ And the Pnyeho-Pou-er Pńneiple eovera both meamnga.
Aa you do each training exercise rou-tine, be surę that your eomptete men-tal eoneentration i» on it . . and
nothing el*r. As you inhale, just aa you are read> to go into your exerciae routine, breathe out alowly through your mouth and aay: ”Take That . . . And That . . . AND THAT . . AND
THAT! Do exactly what the winning Aghter doea.
You are going to center the whole power of your mind on the one single exerciee routine you are doing . ex-erting rvrry muscle to the utmoat of ita strength And. you are AUTOMATIC ALLY going to aay. '“Take That And That AND THAT . . AND THAT!” You won’t aee your room; you won’t know if it’a night or day. AU you will feet. and *ee, and know, i* an intensr sthoinp to put EVERYTH!NG YOU HAYB into what you are doing.